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Truly Labs AB

Truly Labs AB is a CRO providing customized in vitro and in vivo services to its customers.

All work is characterized by our expertise, experience, commitment, flexibility and high quality standards.

Truly Labs was founded in January 2015 as a subsidiary of Truly Translational AB. The Truly Labs’ team has a solid track record with scientific and experimental expertise and experience from drug research & development in both large pharma and biotech. We have also extensive experience of working with both small molecules and biologics. Our key therapeutic areas are inflammation, respiratory diseases, oncology and autoimmune diseases where we offer state of the art in vitro and in vivo technologies.

As a member of the Medicon Valley Inhalation Consortium we also have access to unique competence and capabilities within inhalation, where Truly Labs offers preclinical in vivo inhalation pharmacology services.

Truly Labs AB
Medicon Village
223 81 Lund
VAT nummer: SE5590003843


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